December 13, 2016

Wanderlust advent calendar by NYX

The countdown to Christmas has began! I remember when I was a kid, I would always look forward to eat my daily, tinny chocolate and/or candy cane from my advent calendar. As I grew up, my love for chocolate have decreased but, over the past few years, some new types of advent calendars started showing up on the market.  This year, the beauty industry went mad. Almost every brands had their own advent calendar which made it difficult to chose only one. They are a little - a lot - more pricey than your average chocolate calendars but you get to try a tons of products for that price which doesn't make it as bad. This year, I got the NYX one called Wanderlust. 

In this one, you get twelve NYX Soft matte lip creams and twelve eye shadows. The lip creams aren't new, I have a couple of them in my makeup stash but I had never seen these shadows before. As you probably already know, the Soft matte lip creams are all named after cities (ex: London, Prague, Copenhagen, etc), well, they did the same thing for the shadows. Each lip creams have their matching named eye shadows.  

NYX Soft Matte Lip Cream in Copenhagen

Its packaging is so cute. The outside is a black suitcase and the inside is white with iconics drawings from cities all over. If you get this, just letting you know that these lippies are a struggle to take out, I already broke two nails... Be careful! After playing and trying all these lippies, I noticed the formula isn't constant. Some shades are opaque with only one swipe when some are streaky and patchy no matter how many layers you apply. The tube says matte but some shades doesn't quite dry all the way. It's a hit and miss with these Soft matte lip creams.

From left to right: Prague, Monte Carlo, Milan

Prague is a bright pink shade but more on the darker side. It glides on the lips in one swipe! Monte Carlo is a blue-based red although it looks a lot more pink when on the lips. I didn't like the formula of this shade. It was really patchy. Milan is a natural pink shade that would go with a lot of looks. Perfect for everyday!

From left to right: Transylvania, Addis Ababa, Copenhagen

Transylvania and Copenhagen were both shades I was excited to get but when I tried them on, they left me really disappointed. I don't recommend the dark shades from this range, they're very patchy and unless you line all your lips with a matching lip liner, they won't look like in the tube. Addis Ababa is a bright fushia, perfect for summer parties when you don't want to wear a lot of makeup. It reminds me a lot of Prague but in a more vibrant tone. 

p.s. A review of the matching eye shadows will be up in the next few weeks. I just want to keep playing with them a little more before giving you my opinion.

December 3, 2016

Love contours all palette by NYX

Finding the new NYX holiday sets in stores was a struggle. There's not a lot of NYX counters/displays where I live and they are very small. I was surprised to see this palette on display a few weeks ago. I had only seen the Wanderlust lips+eyes in the new products section online and saw no one talking about this one which was odd because whenever a new palette hits the market, bloggers and beauty vloggers makes sure to get their hands on it. The Love contours all palette contains nine eye shadows, two brow powders (a light taupe and a darker brown), two contour shades/bronzers and two highlighters. The eye shadows are what caught my eyes first. It's difficult to find shades that aren't browns and/or other neutrals at the drugstore. That's a reason I love NYX, they have a wide range of shades and are great quality. This palette has a great balance of warm tones - my faves - and cool tones.

My first thoughts when I swatched them was: NYX changed their formula. These are more buttery and soft than their previous shadows - not hating on NYX! The texture reminded me of their prismatic shadows, which I love. The shimmer shades works best when wet but that's not an issue for me; I wet my shadows most of the time. I was very surprised by the highlighters, I don't own a lot - only three - so I was happy to have two in that palette. They're well pigmented and not too glittery. I can't use the gold one on its own but, I mix it with the pinky shade and it makes a beautiful rose-gold color that works perfect for my skintone. They're not too intense nor settle, they give the perfect amount of glow. The light bronzer (on the left) is perfect for contouring with warm colors. You don't have to use cool tones, warm tones can work too depending on the color or the bronzer and your complexion. It's not orange while still pulling on the warm side. For the eyebrows shades, I use them as eye shadows. The texture is the exact same so it doesn't matter. I prefer pomades for my eyebrows, powder is too natural for me - I'm so extra. I've been using this palette everyday since I got it, you can do a lot of different looks with it. Grab it when you see it!

December 2, 2016

The Loaded Bolds lipsticks and Master Strobing Stick by Maybelline

For the ones who know me, you know that whenever Maybelline puts out new products, I'm the first in line to get them! They rarely disappoint me and their price range is fairly abordable. This fall, I got my hand on two of their new launches: The Loaded Bolds lipsticks and the Master Strobing Stick. I was very excited to try these new releases after seeing them on Maybelline's Snapchat at their end of summer event - the one where everyone got to take a selfie with Gigi Hadid.

Pour celles qui me connaissent, vous savez que quand Maybelline sort un nouveau produit, je suis la premiere en ligne pour l'acheter! Ils me déçoivent rarement et leur gamme de prix est assez abordable. Cet automne, j'ai mis la main sur deux de leur nouveau produits: les rouge a lèvres Loaded Bolds et l'illuminateur en bâton Master Strobing. J'avais très hâte d'essayer ces nouveau produits après les avoir vu sur le Snapchat de Maybelline a leur événement à la fin de l'été - celui avec qui tous le monde ont pris une selfie avec Gigi Hadid.

Color sensational: The Loaded Bolds in the shade (from left to right) Gone Greige, Mauve It and Berry Bossy

Out of all the drugstore lipsticks out there, Maybelline's are my favorites. Their matte formula is bomb. This new range, the Loaded bolds, is their latest addition to their Color sensational lipstick line. They are offered in 20 shades inspired from today's actual beauty trends. There's one for everyone: electric pinks, rich mauves, deep berries/reds and even a black and a navy blue shade. Crazy things happening at the drugstore, huh? Although I loved the Creamy matte's formula, this one isn't the same. Firstly, I wouldn't say they are matte; they have more of a satin finish. They are creamier and also more slippery - aka easy to get on your teeth. You definitely need to use a lip liner underneath or it'll bleed around your lips. The formula isn't consistant with all the shades. By example, the white shade is super patchy and some the shades lack in opacity. My favorite is Mauve it, a pretty mauve (duh) shade. Despite those small cons, I still like these lipsticks and think they are worth it if you wants trendy shades but on a budget or doesn't want to pay twenty dollars for a trendy shade.

De tous les rouge a lèvres de pharmacie, ceux de Maybelline sont mes préférés. Leur formule matte est excellente. Leur nouvelle collection, les Loaded Bolds, est leur dernière addition à leur ligne Color Sensational. Ils sont offert en 20 nuances inspirés des tendances beauté actuelle. Il y en a un pour tous le monde: roses électrique, mauves, baies/rouges profond et meme un noir et un bleu marin. Que ce passe t-il à la pharmacie? Bien que j'aimais la formule des Creamy Mattes, celle-ci n'est pas la meme. Premièrement, je ne dirais pas qu'ils sont mat; ils ont plus un finit satiné. Ils son plus crémeux et plus glissant - aka facile à en avoir sur les dents. Tu doit utiliser un crayon à lèvres dessous ou ils vont s'étaler en dehors de vos lèvres. La formule n'est pas constante avec toute les nuances. Par example, le blanc est très inégal et certaine nuances manque d'opacité. Ma préférée est probablement Mauve It, une jolie teinte mauve (duh). Malgré ces petit bémols, j'aimes bien ces rouge à lèvres et pense qu'ils en valent la peine si vous aimez les nuances tendances mais sur un budget ou ne veux pas dépenser 20 dollars pour une couleur tendance.

Master Strobing Stick in the shade Light/Iridescent

You can laugh at me, I've only recently started using highlighters... What? Shocking, right? I'm always skeptical when it comes to cream products (bronzers, blushes, etc.) as they looks muddy and moves my foundation. It's not quite the look I'm going for. When I first saw this at the store, I was hesitant. Luckily for me, there was a tester - very rare with drugstore products - and wow, I was impressed. The packaging it identical to the brand's Master Glaze cream blushes that I really like. Just like the blushes, the strobing stick is super easy to blend and smooth. This shade is the lightest; a rose-y shade, super luminous. It contains micro-glitters but that doesn't bother me as it's not too noticeable. The only hic I have with this product is that it rubs off the foundation on my face - wherever I apply it - so you have to be gentle when applying.

Vous pouvez rire de moi, je viens juste de commencer à utiliser des illuminateur... Quoi? Étonnant, uh? Je suis toujours septique avec les produit en crème (bronzers, blush, etc.) car ils ont l'air muddy et bouge mon fond de teint. C'est pas vraiment le look que je recherche. Quand j'ai vu ceci à la pharmacie, j'était hésitante. Heureusement pour moi, il y avait un testeur - très rare avec les produits de pharmacie - et wow, j'était impressionnée. L'emballage est pareille aux blush en crème Master Glaze que j'adore. Tout comme les blush, l'illuminateur en bâton est très facile a estomper et lisse. Cette teinte est la plus pâle; une teinte un peux rosé, très lumineuse. Il contient des micro-brillants mais ça ne me dérange pas car ils ne sont pas très voyant. Le seul hic que j'ai avec ce produit est qu'il retire le fond de teint de mon visage - quand je l'applique - donc tu doit être très délicat quand tu l'applique.

December 1, 2016

Get to know me

When I was a teenager, blogs and YouTube weren't that popular. That or, I didn't have access to them. So, when I started getting into makeup, I was really lost. I didn't know anything about makeup or tools and had to learn the hard way. I spent so much money on products that didn't work for me - thanks to those pressure sellers from cosmetic counters. Now that I'm older and have a lot more knowledge in makeup/beauty, it would be selfish to keep it all to myself. Why not help some people who, just like me a couple years ago, wanted to learn how to apply makeup or needed a little help finding great, affordable products? I hope to help a few of you with my reviews and tips & tricks in makeup with a side of fashion.

Quand j'étais adolescente, les blogs et YouTube n'étaient pas très populaires. Ça ou, je n'y avais pas accès. Alors, quand j'ai commencé à me maquiller, j'étais vraiment perdu. Je ne savais rien du maquillage ou des outils et j'ai dû apprendre de la manière difficile. J'ai dépensé tellement d'argent pour des produits qui ne fonctionnaient pas pour moi - grâce à ces vendeuses des comptoirs cosmétiques qui ne connaissent pas du tout leurs produits. Maintenant que j'ai beaucoup plus de connaissances en maquillage/beauté, ça serait égoïste de tout garder pour moi. Pourquoi ne pas aider certaines personnes qui, comme moi il y a quelques années, voulaient apprendre à se maquiller ou avaient besoin d'un peu d'aide pour trouver de bons produits abordables? J'espère aider quelques-un(e)s d'entre vous avec mes review et trucs et astuces maquillage.

  1. My eyes aren't the same color. / Mes yeux ne sont pas de la même couleur.
  2. I'm allergic to sun - I'm not joking. / Je suis allergique au soleil - je ne plaisante pas.
  3. I started getting into makeup when I was into high school. I saw these scene queens on the internet - throwback to Skyrock and MySpace - and I thought they looked really cool. I started looking up tutorials on YouTube of how to do my makeup like these girls - basically, I wanted to be them. From then, winged liner, colorful shadows and black raccoon eyes were my jam. I was a hot mess. / J'ai commencé à m’intéresser au maquillage quand j'étais au secondaire. J'avais vue ces scene queens sur internet - throwback à Myspace et Skyrock - et je trouvais leur maquillages cool. J'ai commencé à regarder des tutoriels sur YouTube pour me maquiller comme ces filles - je voulais tellement être elles. À partir de là, winged liner, ombres à paupières colorées et yeux de ratons était mon truc. C'étais pas joli.
  4. I live in the North pole, aka: Canada. / J'habite au Pôle Nord, aka: Canada.
  5. Ariel is my favorite Disney princess (closely followed by Rapunzel). / Ariel est ma princesse Disney favorite (suivit de près pas Raiponce.)
  6. I like any type of art. Drawings, music (is music art?), tattoos, photography, makeup (obviously), etc. / J'aime l'art sur toute ses façons. Dessins, musique, tatouages, photographie, maquillage(duh), etc. 
  7. Since I'm a kid, I want to live in New York. / Depuis que je suis enfant, je rêve d'habiter à New York.
  8. I hate feet. / Je déteste les pieds.
  9. My favorite TV show is Supernatural. This show is super intense and I love it, shows like that are my thing. I caught glimpses of the show growing up but never really paid attention or watched a full episode until last year. I binge watched the whole thing (there's eleven seasons right now, the twelfth is currently airing on CW which is crazy).  / Ma série favorite est Supernatural. Cette série est super intense et j'adore. Les séries comme celle-ci c'est mon truc. Je regardais des scenes ici et là à adolescence mais je ne me suis jamais vraiment intéresser à l'émission...jusqu'à l'an dernier. J'ai binge watched la série entière durant l'été (il y a onze saisons en ce moment et la douzième saison est passe sur CW).
  10. I'm a queen at making things awkward. / Je suis la reine des malaises.
  11. I taught myself how to draw. No stick figures or basic houses and trees; sketches, portraits, etc. / J'ai appris à dessiner par moi-même. Pas des bonhommes allumettes ou des maisons/arbres basique; sketchs, portraits, etc.
  12. I can't go a day without listening music. / Je ne peux pas passer un jour en musique.
  13. I don't have a middle name. I'n not really common in Canada. / Je n'ai pas de deuxième nom. Ce n'est pas très commun au Canada.
  14. My favorite band is Pierce the Veil. PTV came into my life late November last year but quickly got their spot as my favorite, tossing aside A Day to Remember and Bring me the Horizon who had this position since 2009. / Mon band favori est Pierce the Veil. PTV est arrivé dans ma vie en Novembre dernier et ils sont vite devenu mon band favori, délogeant A Day to Remember et Bring me the Horizon qui avaient cette place depuis 2009.
  15. When I was ten years old, Matthew Sanders (from Avenged Sevenfold) used to be my man crush. / Quand j'avais dix ans, Mattheiw Sanders (de Avenged Sevenfold) était mon man crush.
  16. I don't listen to a specific music genre, my music taste is quite large despite being super picky. / Je n’écoutes pas de style de musique spécifique. Mes goûts musicaux sont très vaste malgré qui je suis super difficile.
  17. A few years ago, my hair almost fell off from bleaching. / Il y a quelques années, mes cheveux sont presque tous tombé dû au décolorant.
  18. I was an emo kid during my teenage years. / À adolescence, j'étais un emo kid.
  19. One day, I want to own a sphynx cat. / Un jour, je veux un sphinx.
  20. I hate pink. / Je déteste le rose.